Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Wire Walking

Thanks to some great comments from people, I have been inspired to write something that will give me such great pleasure to share.

What people commonly call "following the heart" is really important, yes. Another way of putting it, also common, is: being true to oneself. But I was talking to a friend recently who had an even more accurate way of putting it. He used the word INTEGRITY. That is, having integrity with and to oneself.

It is like the Hindu ideas of "svadharma" and "svabhava" - each person's "right action" is that which is in harmony with the nature of the "innermost being" of that person - ie their true nature.

I saw a superb documentary film recently that sums up how I feel and try to live (in my own way).

"Man on Wire" is about the French tightrope walker Philippe Petit who danced on a rope between the two Trade Towers (right at the top). If you can't get the film, the book written by Petit is called "To Reach the Clouds". Petit's philosophy of life and his heart are full of integrity.

Some quotes I remember from the film:
"You have to exercise rebellion....
.........to refuse your own success....
.......to live your life on a tightrope...."